$8.5 million in support for migrants and refugees

To mark Refugee Week, the NSW Government has announced $8.5 million over three years to continue important support programs for refugee, new and emerging communities as part of the 2021-2022 NSW Budget.
Treasurer Dominic Perrottet said the multi-year funding will ensure the continuation of key projects for newly arrived communities.
“Funding in this space will ensure we can continue to support our refugees, newly arrived migrants and emerging communities with programs to help them settle and thrive,” Mr Perrottet said.
“Programs such as these are central to the successful integration of newcomers. In particular, they are crucial in helping to reduce social isolation for families who don’t have established networks or access to support.”
The funding will enable the continuation of programs to help newcomers find educational and employment opportunities, navigate and access support services and create community connections.
Minister for Multiculturalism Natalie Ward said the NSW Government works incredibly hard, through cross-sector collaboration with our broader community, to ensure newcomers feel welcome and supported.
“We are committed to bringing existing and emerging communities together, and seeing people from all backgrounds thrive,” Mrs Ward said.
“Refugee Week is also a chance to extend our gratitude to migrants, refugees and asylum seekers for their valuable contributions to our communities.”
The NSW Government is also committed to progressing opportunities for regional resettlement through an existing $3 million investment to deliver the NSW Growing Regions of Welcome (NSW GROW) Pilot Program, which has launched today.
NSW GROW aims to attract and retain newcomers, and to assist with relocation to regional NSW.
“This funding will improve NSW’s capacity to promote social cohesion and encourage successful settlement across the state,” Mrs Ward said.
The NSW Coordinator General for Settlement, Professor Peter Shergold AC, said this significant investment will continue to achieve positive outcomes for NSW.
“NSW GROW will address critical workforce needs in regional areas that would usually be filled through overseas migration,” Professor Shergold said.
“This Program will support coordinated efforts across sectors to create secondary migration linkages between western Sydney and regional NSW and drive sustainable social and economic outcomes for participating regional communities and newcomers alike.”
The Australian Red Cross and Regional Development Australia will support delivery of NSW GROW in western Sydney, and the Murray and Riverina regions.
For more information about Multicultural NSW, visit: www.multicultural.nsw.gov.au

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