Gov backs One Nation’s far-right hate — again

Australian Greens Anti-Racism spokesperson Senator Mehreen Faruqi has said that the Liberals and Nationals have yet again supported and passed a hateful One Nation Senate stunt, joining the far-right party in agreeing that critical race theory should be ‘rejected’ in the national curriculum.
Senator Faruqi said:
“The government has a damning track record of indulging far-right politics and One Nation stunt motions in the Senate.
“Fear-mongering about critical race theory is nothing more than a culture war beat-up by Fox News and their local outpost of cranks, Sky News.
“It turns out the pandemic didn’t kill the so-called culture wars that are being manufactured again by the far-right in the parliament. The government is in competition with One Nation in an effort to appeal to the Sky News crowd.
“Critical race theory is basically a study of systemic racism. But it has become a bogeyman for the far-right—first in the US, now here—in their fear-mongering about anti-racism and racial justice.
“The government cannot viably claim to be taking far-right hatred seriously when they fall in line behind crap like this.”

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