Greens force release of draft standards phasing out battery cages

Australian Greens Animal Welfare spokesperson Senator Mehreen Faruqi has forced the release of draft animal welfare standards for poultry through a Senate order for documents. The standards and guidelines include a phase out of battery cages for hens by 2036.
Senator Faruqi said:
“This is good news and a welcome step in the right direction but the transition should certainly happen faster.
“This process has been going on in some form or another since 2013 so there has been plenty of time for the industry to change their practices. It’s really time for some action.
“We know the vast majority of people have been really concerned about hens being kept in battery cages under such cruel and inhumane conditions.They don’t want hens trapped in A4 size spaces.
“Countries around the world have already phased out cages or have a plan to do so, including most OECD countries.
“Industry does not need up to 15 years to transition away from battery cages. It can and it should happen faster.”

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