Hands off our environmental laws, Greens tell Mining lobby

The Liberal National Government must reject the advice of the self-serving Mining Lobby pushing for changes to the Environmental Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act, the Greens say.
“The Environment Minister must stand up for environmental protections, not fall to her mates in the mining industry,” Greens environment spokesperson Senator Sarah Hanson-Young said.
“It’s almost laughable that the Minister for the Environment would even consider the ‘advice’ of the mining industry in drafting new laws to protect the environment, sadly however this is no laughing matter. Our environment is under constant threat because the mining industry continues to push for more coal, more gas, more oil drilling and now they want nuclear.
“The only thing the Minerals Council seem to want to protect are the profits of the mining industry, at the cost of Australia’s environment and a safe climate.
“Nuclear energy is an old technology that Australia has outgrown. We are moving toward a renewable energy future. It’s happening, it’s here and we shouldn’t be looking back.
“We need stronger environmental laws that continue the ban on nuclear energy, and protect our natural world from big corporate interests.
“Adani is pressing ahead with its plans to open a mammoth coal mine with little regard to critically endangered black-throated finch populations. There are cases for strengthening our environmental laws all around the country, in part to pull the mining industry into line.”
“Calls to relax our environmental laws from the mining sector should be ignored by this Government if they are serious about ‘improving’ environmental protections.”

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