A Shorten Labor Government will unlock productivity and jobs growth in Central Queensland by investing $800 million to build the Rockhampton Ring Road in partnership with the State Labor Government.
This is a transformative project which will support around 780 direct jobs during its delivery, ease congestion on the Bruce Highway, and make Rockhampton as even better place to live, work and raise a family.
The Ring Road will run from the Yeppen Roundabout, along the western side of the airport to a third bridge crossing before reconnecting with the existing highway at Parkhurst – see attached map.
It will take thousands of trucks a day out of the CBD and off suburban streets, both speeding up the movement of freight along the east coast as well as improving safety for local residents.
Importantly, investments such as this are a critical component of a serious decentralisation policy because they provide regional centres with the infrastructure and services they need to grow and prosper.
This commitment follows yesterday’s announcement that a Shorten Labor Government will boost local jobs by ensuring more government contracts and major projects such as the Ring Road are delivered by local businesses employing local workers.
It was the former Federal Labor Government that first began investigating the planning for the Rockhampton Ring Road when we commissioned the Fitzroy River Floodplain and Road Planning Study in June 2009.
The study, completed in 2011, backed the project.
But after nearly two full terms as the LNP MP for Capricornia Michelle Landry has been unable to advance the Ring Road.
A Shorten Labor Government will deliver the project, not just talk about it.
When it comes to the Bruce Highway, the LNP’s record is one of cuts and broken promises.
Indeed, according to figures released by its own Infrastructure Department, the Morrison LNP Government will slash Federal investment in the highway over the next three years by $700 million if it wins the coming election.
Federal Labor’s commitment to the Rockhampton Ring Road builds on our strong track record of delivering for Central Queensland the last time we were in office. This including the major Yeppen Floodplain project which upgraded the Bruce Highway to prevent Rockhampton being cut off from the south, even during a one in 100-year flooding event.

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