22 million reasons for ALP to back militant unions

Figures released today have revealed 22 million reasons why Bill Shorten continues to bend over backwards for his militant union masters.
The Australian Electoral Commission today revealed that unions donated more than $7.9 million to the Labor Party in 2017-18. In addition, they spent more than $14 million on their own campaigns in support of the Labor Party.
These figures include almost $1 million in donations to Labor from the militant CFMMEU, which currently has 78 representatives before the courts and has been fined over $16.5 million in recent years for law breaking.
“We now know why Bill Shorten continues to stand by the militant CFMMEU despite their appalling and ever-growing rap sheet of lawlessness,” Minister O’Dwyer said.
“But it’s not just the militant CFMMEU Bill Shorten and Labor continue to back. While the CFMMEU will get to axe the construction cop, the MUA will get to design their own shipping laws, and the TWU will get the return of the independent trucker destroying RSRT.”
“If you’re a militant union with cash to burn, Bill’s policy shop is open for business.”
“Bill Shorten should take a leaf out of Bob Hawke’s book, grow a backbone and stand up to militant unionists instead of making the law breakers the law makers.”
The figures released today come just a month after Bill Shorten and the Labor Party doubled-down on their support for their militant union bosses at the Labor Party National Conference, whe re they committed to:

  • Keep under wraps their secret deal with the unions to allow economy-hammering, job-risking
    industry-wide strike action, leaving workers and businesses in the dark.
  • Black ban certain lawyers and law firms that the lawbreaking CFMMEU don’t like.
  • Resurrect their disastrous, family business destroying trucker remuneration rules – only this time also extending the pain to gig economy workers.
  • Accelerate cuts to workers’ take-home pay and syphon off more of their hard-earned wages into superannuation funds, where retirement savings are drained by the rorts and rip-offs that Labor refuses to help address.
  • Examine proposals to artificially boost union membership and clout through preferential tax concessions and incentives.
  • Continue with their crazy policy to scrap the building and construction regulator, the ABCC.
  • Cost the economy $1.3 billion by giving their union mates paid holiday l eave entitlements that no other worker will get.

“Instead of helping hard-working Australians, it is clear Bill Shorten is focused on one thing and one thing only – helping his militant union bosses,” Minister O’Dwyer concluded.

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