Office of Senator Janet Rice – Volunteer Program

Your chance to be part of democracy in action this federal election.

Are you passionate about tackling our climate crisis? LGBTIQ+ rights? Economic inequality? The environment? Social justice? And are you looking to be part of the solution? Here’s your opportunity to gain first-hand experience volunteering in Senator Janet Rice’s office and make an impact.

Senator Janet Rice is looking for volunteers to join her Melbourne team from March until June 2019.

The volunteer training program is an opportunity to develop your skills, be part of an exciting federal election campaign and contribute to building a better future for all of us.

We know skills can be built quickly. Initiative and a thirst for knowledge are the most important qualities we are looking for.

Volunteers may learn how to:

  • Research and draft responses to issues impacting on constituents, Victoria and Australia;
  • Assist with outreach to community groups and organise events;
  • Run campaigns on issues that are important to the community, such as economic inequality, climate change, protecting native forests, public transport and more;
  • Generate social media posts that inspire community action;
  • Do a range of other things depending on projects to be designed in collaboration with you.

Volunteers are invited to contribute in the categories of Constituent and Community Outreach, Campaigns and Community Organising; Media and Communications; or other areas desired by volunteers.

How does it work?

  • The position is voluntary. No financial remuneration is available and no employment positions are on offer;
  • Volunteers will be offered four training sessions and regular mentoring;
  • Costs incurred during project work will be reimbursed as negotiated;
  • Volunteers will be mentored by the Senior Adviser, Media Adviser, Campaigner and the Office Manager;
  • Our office is open 9am-5pm Monday to Friday so availability during business hours is necessary. However, hours are flexible and will be negotiated to ensure a convenient arrangement. It is advisable that volunteers are available to volunteer 1-3 days a week to receive the most benefit out of the program.

The Office of Senator Janet Rice is an equal opportunity employer; we know that strength comes with diversity and welcome applicants from all backgrounds. We encourage Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and LGBTIQ+  people, as well as people of any ability, age, race and religion to apply.

If you would like more information about the program, please email Mia your enquiry with the subject line “Volunteer Program 2019” to and include a contact telephone number, or call 03 9384 6199.

The Volunteer Program will commence on 11 March 2019. However, please note that the program is designed around a May 2019 federal election. In the event an early election is called, the program will be postponed until August 2019.

Please submit completed expressions of interest and CV (no more than 2 pages) by 5pm Tuesday, 19th February.

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