Dreyfus fails Australia and Australians

Having weakened Australia’s tough border protection measures, Labor today walked away from another important matter of national security – in so doing it has ended bipartisanship on national security matters.
The Australian Citizenship Amendment (Strengthening the Citizenship Loss Provisions) 2018 Bill seeks to strengthen powers to deal with dual-national terrorists whose sole aim is to harm Australia and Australians.
These are people who have betrayed their allegiance to Australia. Who have committed barbaric atrocities fighting for ISIS, sworn allegiance to ISIS and plotted to harm innocent Australians.
We should be able to strip such people of their Australian citizenship.
Yet Labor’s Mark Dreyfus seeks any reason to oppose such measures and puts forward bizarre arguments supporting the legal rights of known terrorists to remain in our community and maintain their Australian citizenship.
The legislation before the Parliament was drafted by the Office of Parliamentary Counsel with advice provided by the Chief General Counsel of the Australian Government Solicitor.
Yet Mr Dreyfus prefers to rely on his Labor lawyer mates to find any reason to delay, stymie or reject the Government’s proposed amendments to enable us to deal with terrorists who have no right to remain Australians.
This is not a single instance, Mr Dreyfus is a serial offender.
He sought and continues to seek to water down laws to enable law and intelligence agencies access to digital communications. He is stalling the Identity Matching Services Bill which aims to implement a COAG agreement to protect Australians from identity fraud and he defends Labor’s opposition to mandatory mini mum sentences for firearms offences.
Infamous ISIS terrorist Neil Prakash forfeited his Australians citizenship, yet Mr Dreyfus argues he has not and remains an Australian.
Under this Government 12 terrorists have lost their Australian citizenship.
During the last Labor period of Government – no one – not one- person lost their citizenship for any reason.
This is another crucial test for the Leader of the Opposition.
Having caved in to Labor’s radical Left and agreed to trash the Coalition’s successful border policies, does he support Mr Dreyfus’ constant efforts to thwart legislation that seeks to protect Australia and Australians?
If Mr Shorten and Mr Dreyfus want to run the lawyer line to look for some technicality to allow terrorists to remain or return to our country – that is an issue for them.
The Morrison Coalition Government will seek to keep them as far from our shores as possible.

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