Ballistic missile test by North Korea

Australia strongly condemns North Korea’s launch of eight ballistic missiles this week – which violates multiple UN Security Council resolutions and undermines the global non-proliferation regime.

The test on 5 June is the latest demonstration of the regime’s reckless and destabilising behaviour.

North Korea has launched a total of 31 ballistic missiles so far this year, including six intercontinental ballistic missiles.

Its apparent preparations to undertake a nuclear test are likewise gravely concerning and a threat to the peace and security of our region.

Australia calls on the Security Council to respond decisively to North Korea’s continued violation of its legally binding resolutions.

We further urge Pyongyang to abandon its nuclear weapons and ballistic missile programs and return to meaningful dialogue with the United States and the Republic of Korea. Permanent peace and stability on the Korean Peninsula can only be achieved through dialogue.

Effective sanctions enforcement requires a global effort. Australia will continue to strictly enforce all UN Security Council resolutions against North Korea and we encourage all countries to do likewise.

Australia will also continue to keep our autonomous sanctions against North Korea under review.

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