The people of NSW have a clear choice at the election.
A NSW Liberals & Nationals Government that is committed to building the state’s future and providing opportunity for all, or a Labor Party that wants to cut, cancel and cripple NSW.
The Leader of the Opposition isn’t good at telling the truth, but the one thing he says which you can believe is that he will cut infrastructure projects and increase taxes, which will cripple the economy, cost jobs and take NSW backwards.
The choice is clear – world class schools, hospitals, public transport, roads, cultural and sporting facilities – or a Labor Party that says NSW doesn’t deserve the best.
I want the best schools, the best hospitals, the best roads, the best public transport system – and the best stadiums. The people of NSW deserve nothing less.
Unlike the Leader of the Opposition, I won’t settle for second best.
This is a return to type by the Labor Party – only Labor could be proud of going to an election with policies to cancel projects.
Labor wants to cancel the South West Metro, the F6 extension, Western Harbour Tunnel and we know they don’t support the M4 and M5 extensions.
The community will remember what NSW was like under Labor – NSW was last, the slowest economic growth, high unemployment and nothing being built.
This Government has worked hard to manage the budget and deliver a strong economy.
Good governments are able to do many things at once.
It has taken this Government to deliver metro rail to Sydney, extend the M4, duplicate the M5, build new schools and hospitals across the State in places like Campbelltown, Blacktown, Dubbo, Tamworth and Gosford.
When Labor was in government, they put them all in the too hard basket because they didn’t have the will or the funds. They don’t deserve another chance.
Of course Labor think it’s a choice between schools, hospitals or stadiums – because they were so incompetent they couldn’t manage the budget so they never had the opportunity to build like we have.
I’m proud to stand on our record of delivery for this state and a vision for making NSW the best it can be.

Gladys Berejiklian

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