Developers reheat Western Sydney Incinerator

Because Tanya Davies and the Liberals refused to act, Western Sydney is once again under threat from the developer of the toxic Western Sydney Incinerator

Next Generation, the developer of the toxic Western Sydney Incinerator is taking the Government to Court to get the incinerator approved.

Because of the NSW Liberal’s broken planning laws, the developer can continually reapply for approval, meaning under the Liberals this toxic incinerator will eventually be built.

Labor’s candidate for Mulgoa, Todd Carney slammed Liberal politician Tanya Davies for doing nothing to protect our community from this toxic incinerator.

“Western Sydney is not a dumping ground. But the Liberals are treating us this way. Why won’t Liberal politician Tanya Davies do anything to stop this toxic incinerator?”

Three weeks ago Liberal politician Tanya Davies accused Labor of scaremongering after their Leader Michael Daley visited Western Sydney to commit to an incinerator ban.

“Tanya Davies is the worst kind of politician, she doesn’t even fight for Western Sydney when there’s an election on.” Mr Carney said.

“If Tania Davies had any self-respect, she would apologise to locals doing nothing and finally get off her backside and act.”

If elected, A Daley Labor Government will introduce legislation within its first 100 days to once and for all ban the proposed Western Sydney Incinerator. Labor is the only major party at this election committed to stopping an incinerator being built.

“No incinerator means no incinerator. Labor will ban this project.” Mr Carney said.

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