Labor will appoint a new board of the SCG Trust

Michael Daley and Labor will require a better range of expertise and representation on the board of the SCG Trust and will replace the current board.
Labor wants to bring the Board from the 19th century into the 21st century and ensure it acts in the interests of all of the people of NSW and those that follow their respective codes.
A Daley Labor Government will replace the unelected members of the SCG Trust Board and appoint a new board that will better reflect the diversity of the sports loving people of NSW.
The board’s current plan to knock down and rebuild Allianz stadium is not in line with the expectations of the people of NSW and is not in the best interest of sporting fans.
The trust has colluded with the NSW government to spend $730 million of taxpayers’ money on an unnecessary stadium instead of schools and hospitals for the people of NSW.
The two board members who were elected by the SCG Members, Phil Waugh and David Gilbert will remain, as will former test cricketer Stuart MacGill.

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