Berejiklian must halt stadium demolition

NSW Labor Leader Michael Daley today wrote to Premier Berejiklian calling on her to halt the hard demolition of Allianz Stadium which commenced as the sun went down last night.
Mr Daley made it clear in his letter to the Premier that the proposed demolition of Allianz is a matter of serious public concern across NSW, Mr Daley said that going ahead with the hard demolition of the stadium nine days away from election day was an affront to democratic principles.
Mr Daley called on the Premier to call a halt to the demolition and allow the people of NSW to have their say in nine days time.
Mr Daley also told the Premier that allowing the hard demolition of Allianz Stadium to begin before the NSW Court of Appeal is able to hear the appeal from the Land and Environment Court on whether the project itself is legal is an affront to the judicial system of NSW.
Mr Daley has urgently requested a full briefing from the Premier on all aspects of the demolition timetable between now and March 23 given that the NSW Government is now in caretaker mode.

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