Sneaky stadium demolition shows Premier's contempt for NSW voters

The commencement of the demolition of the Allianz Stadium just ten days before the NSW election shows complete contempt for the courts, the NSW public and for the democratic process.
Mr Daley said it was appalling that there was no notice given to the public – particularly local residents – of the actual demolition despite repeated calls on the Premier to provide details of the demolition timetable.
Mr Daley also said that under the terms of the demolition consent, Infrastructure NSW is required to give 48 hours notice of any hard demolition of the stadium and that this had not been done.

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Opposition Leader Michael Daley said he would be seeking an urgent meeting with the CEO of Lendlease, Mr Steve McCann, for details of the extent of the demolition to the stadium before election day.
The Premier must “Order the cessation of any further hard demolition, pending the legal challenge to the demolition in the NSW court of appeal which is due to be heard on Friday”, Mr Daley said.
“To do otherwise shows just how arrogant and out of touch this Premier really is.
“There is absolutely no reason why this demolition should take place so close to election day.
“This sort of underhanded demolition is more reminiscent of the Bjelke-Petersen era than the modern standards of any government expected by the people of NSW.
“The public must have the right on election day to determine whether the stadium should remain or be demolished. Furthermore, the Premier must respect the democratic process no matter how disturbing this may be for her supporters from the big end of town.

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