Greens announce LGBTIQ+ election policies to achieve equality for all LGBTIQ+ people

The Australian Greens have announced their first suite of policies aimed at achieving full equality for all LGBTIQ+ people.
“The Greens policies will mean LGBTIQ+ people have the right to be free from discrimination, have autonomy over their bodies, and have access to holistic and comprehensive health services and secure housing.”
“LGBTIQ+ people continue to face many challenges in our society, such as students and teachers being expelled and fired from religious schools, higher rates of mental health issues and homelessness, and enduring sexual orientation and gender identity change efforts,” said Senator Janet Rice, Australian Greens LGBTIQ+ spokesperson.
“We can and must do better. The Greens plan removes religious exemptions in federal anti-discrimination laws, creates an LGBTIQ+ health strategy, replaces religious chaplains in public schools with trained, secular counsellors, and appoints an LGBTIQ+ Human Rights Commissioner and Minister for Equality, and more.”
“We especially want to stamp out dangerous sexual orientation and gender identity change efforts. We know from survivors that the ex-gay and ex-trans conversion movement extends beyond formalised ‘therapies’ in subtle and insidious ways. These change efforts pervade some religious communities, faith-based organisations, schools and the counselling industry.”
“The Greens plan will support survivors of sexual orientation and gender identity change efforts and their allies to stamp out these practices and fund $1 million for LGBTIQ+ faith organisations to build capacity for self-advocacy and $500,000 into a public health and awareness campaign.”
“The Greens have always stood with LGBTIQ+ people, and we will continue fighting for the rights of every member of our community,” said Adam Pulford, Australian Greens candidate for Wills.
“As a gay man, I am proud to be part of announcing our first set of policies to help end discrimination against LGBTIQ+ people and provide the support we need when we need it.”
The Greens plan will:

  • Protect LGBTIQ+ rights in law, through a Charter of Rights and removing religious exemptions in federal anti-discrim laws
  • Create a national LGBTIQ+ health strategy
  • Ensure secular student support is provided in all schools
  • Address the crisis in housing and homelessness for LGBTIQ+ people
  • Establish a ministerial advisory group on LGBTIQ+ issues
  • Stamp out sexual orientation and gender identity change efforts
  • Appoint an LGBTIQ+ Human Rights Commissioner
  • Appoint a Minister for Equality

Policy document available here.

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