Investing $100 Million for Solar Schools

NSW Labor Leader, Michael Daley, has announced today that Labor will invest $100 million to install solar panels on hundreds of NSW schools.
Mr Daley said:

“The Labor Party knows that climate change is real and unlike the Liberals and Nationals, we’re committed to tackling it.”
“As we saw at rallies across the country on Friday, the next generation is demanding real action on climate change.”
“Putting solar panels on schools will help students further their knowledge about renewable energy, as well as bring down their school’s power bills and reduce emissions.”

Labor’s $100 million Solar Schools package will see solar panels installed on more than 350 schools, to drive down power costs, meaning funding can be directed to students’ learning needs.
The solar panels will also help offset the costs for air conditioning installed in every school as part of Labor’s $800 million Cool Schools policy.
Installing solar panels on schools is part of Labor’s commitment to renewable energy in NSW which includes delivering 100 per cent renewable energy for all State Government agencies by 2025 (it is currently only six per cent).
A Daley Labor Government will also introduce NSW’s first renewable energy target which will require NSW to generate:

  • At least 50 per cent of our state’s energy from renewable sources by 2030; and
  • Move to as close to as possible 100 per cent energy from renewable sources by 2050.

Labor’s Solar Homes policy will give 500,000 households across NSW the chance to add solar panels to their homes and enjoy cheaper, cleaner and greener energy through a rebate, to be capped at $2,200 per household.
Deputy Labor Leader and Shadow Minister for the Environment, Penny Sharpe:

Labor takes climate change very seriously unlike the Liberals and Nationals who have neglected the NSW Government’s responsibility to reduce emissions.

Shadow Minister for Climate Change Adam Searle said:

“Solar Schools is yet another aspect of Labor’s plan for cheaper and cleaner energy across NSW.”

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