Greens Senator Receives 1.3 million petition Against Senator Fraser Anning

Australian Greens Senator for NSW and Australia’s first Muslim woman Senator, Dr Mehreen Faruqi, has received more than 1.3 million signatures from a petition calling for Fraser Anning to be removed from Parliament following his disgraceful comments about the Christchurch terrorist attack. The petition is by far the largest in Australian online petition history. Senator Faruqi will present it to the Senate when Parliament resumes in a few weeks.

Senator Faruqi was joined by Sally Rugg, Executive Director of as well as Dr Kate Ahmad and Harris Sultan, who started the petition as well as other supporters. The petition is available here: .

Senator Faruqi said:

“Today is the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination. A fitting day to receive a petition which loudly and clearly says we will not tolerate bigotry and racism.
“On behalf of the 1.3 million people and counting who have signed the petition, I will be tabling it in the senate as soon as parliament resumes in April.
“There is a reason why this petition is the biggest online petition in Australia. People are angry and frustrated that our political system has allowed a politician to spread such division and hate.
“Senator Anning has well and truly crossed the line. He does not deserve to be in parliament. The Greens are exploring every option to suspend him from Parliament. I have no doubt the community will make sure he is not re-elected in May” she concluded.

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