SA on a road to nowhere under Liberals

South Australians have been left high and dry under Scott Morrison’s pre-election budget.
“With no marginal seats to throw cash at, South Australia was always set to lose in this pre-election budget. And we will continue to lose out under a Liberal Party more concerned with political survival than what’s good for the country. All we’re left with after Tuesday’s fake budget is a massive hit to GST revenue and a bucket of empty promises,” Senator Hanson-Young said.
“We live in a state that wants more investment in renewable energy and real action on climate change, and the Liberals have given us nothing. Hard-working families struggling with cost of living pressures can have no faith that the Liberals will strengthen our economy or set our state up for the future.
“The more than 65,000 South Australians languishing on Newstart have been left out in the cold by the Morrison Government. The Liberals have given out tax cuts to the wealthy and done nothing for the most vulnerable in our communities.
“Instead, the Morrison Government is merely trying to buy people’s votes with tax cuts and handouts, over investing in essential services.
“The Greens will fight for a more equal society, well-funded essential services, action on climate and building South Australia into a global renewable powerhouse. The Liberals clearly do not care about South Australia. Their bogus budget and their phony politics should be rejected on polling day.”

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