Joint committee of animal extinction inquiry recommends new environment laws and a new EPA

The interim report from the Senate inquiry into Australia’s animal extinction crisis recommends new environment laws to limit the drivers of extinction, including habitat destruction and climate change.
These laws would include a new, independent EPA that would be given powers, resources and funding to assess activity and ensure compliance.
“The current laws are so weak with caveats, exemptions, ministerial discretion and loopholes that projects can be given the green light despite destroying or damaging critical habitat, or even wiping out a species entirely,” said Australian Greens Senator Janet Rice, Chair of the Inquiry.
“Australia’s extinction crisis has only got worse in the 20 years since our environment laws were introduced. It’s absolutely clear they need a complete overhaul.”
“Finally we have an acknowledgement from Labor that new environment laws and a new EPA are needed to limit the drivers of extinction such as habitat loss, degradation and fragmentation.”
“But we know Labor is prone to backflips when it comes to protecting the environment. Just this week WA Labor has joined with the Morrison government to roll over outdated and destructive logging laws, the Regional Forest Agreements, despite promising to protect native forests from logging before they were elected.”
“Extinction is a political choice. In the next parliament, the Greens will hold Bill Shorten and the Labor party to account on their promises.”

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