Labor’s embarrassing vehicle emissions backflip shows their electric vehicle and emissions standards policies were written on the run, say the Greens

Labor’s backflip on forcing car dealers rather than manufacturers to reduce vehicle emissions shows their policy was written on the run, say the Greens.
“Putting the onus on car dealers rather than manufacturers was clearly unworkable and just demonstrates that Labor has cooked up this dog’s breakfast of a policy on the run,” said Senator Janet Rice, Australian Greens transport spokesperson.
“Every other country in the world with emissions standards regulates this through manufacturers, not dealers. This is also what the experts, including the Climate Change Authority, have always recommended.”
“So far this week Labor has announced a weak 50% by 2030 EV target, but with no mechanisms or policies to achieve it. They also announced a light vehicle emissions standard, but wouldn’t commit to an implementation schedule. And now this backflip.”
“It’s becoming crystal clear that Labor’s electric vehicle and emissions standards policies are just announcements without any substance. There are no timelines for implementation or measures to achieve the targets. The whole thing looks to have been written down on the back of a serviette to dump the day before the budget.”
The Greens have a 100% by 2030 electric vehicle target, backed up by a range of measures that will actually work, measures that are already driving huge electric vehicle uptake in other countries like Norway and the Netherlands.”

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