Greens urge Foreign Minister to act on Brunei’s new laws targeting LGBTQ+ people

The Australian Greens have written to the Foreign Minister Marise Payne to express deep concern over Brunei’s new laws that punish homosexual sex with death.
“Brunei’s new laws punishing homosexual sex with death are extremely concerning and a serious violation of basic human rights,” said Senator Janet Rice, Australian Greens LGBTIQ+ spokesperson.
“I urge the Australian government to put as much pressure on Brunei to immediately repeal these inhumane laws.”
“I call on the government to grant asylum in Australia to LGBTIQ+ people from Brunei, and update Australia’s travel advice for Brunei.”
Greens candidate for Higgins and LGBTIQ+ advocate Jason Ball, said:
“Australia needs to lead the charge in ensuring Brunei feels the heat from the international community that these laws are unacceptable, and that we won’t allow fear and hatred to go unchecked.”
“This includes the possibility of working with other nations on a UN resolution condemning the Brunei Government’s actions, reviewing our diplomatic relationship with Brunei, and reconsidering Royal Brunei Airlines’ right to land aircraft in Australia.”

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