The Together Budget. What would you do with $50bil?

Tuesday’s budget will be pork-barrelling at its finest. A desperate, spent government trying to stave off a landslide. Imagine if we recast the budget – to create a viable future and make Australia both better and fairer! Together wants Australia to take 10% of its budget – that’s $50billion and spend it differently:
• A Climate Economy Fund – $10 bil – to invest in renewables, an ETS, repair our rivers, new business and jobs
• Homes for all Australians – $10 bil – building homes for the homeless, for renters and first home buyers
• More Medicare – $10 bil – for better public hospitals and access to specialists, free dental and ambulances
• Our Learning Nation – $10 bil for funded places at university and Tafe and boosting research and innovation
• Better Society – $5 bil – doubling the ABC budget, arts funding, legal aid, federal ICAC and national DV action
• Trickle Up Economics – $5 bil into start-ups, social enterprise, more for NDIS and Newstart and UBI trials
Together wants action on tax. Companies like Exxon, Energy Australia and Ikea need to pay their fair share. Then we can shift the balance even further. The budget currently picks winners and we need to pick new ones. We can:
• move subsidies for fossil fuels into renewables – to fund Climate Economy projects
• wind back of negative gearing – to fund Homes for All Australians
• reversing increases in defence spending over the last 5 years – into Our Learning Nation
• use the Banking Levy to start a publicly owned bank
• move our wasteful financing of off-shore detention into on-shore justice.
The time for tinkering is over. The time for bribing the nation with tax cuts is done.
Together we can change #auspol, create a viable future and a better, fairer Australia – by picking new winners.

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