Australian Greens criticise Benjamin Netanyahu’s plans to annex West Bank settlements

The Australian Greens are extremely concerned at comments made by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu over the weekend that, if re-elected, he will “extend sovereignty” to Israeli settlements in the West Bank.
In response to the comments, Greens Leader Senator Richard Di Natale said:  “Any annexation, even a partial one, of the West Bank would be a serious violation of international law.  It would represent yet another huge blow to the prospect of a two state solution, and would be disastrous for Israel’s democracy.”
“The Greens urge the Australian Government to speak out and make it clear that the Israeli Government must not rule over millions of Palestinians while denying them equal civil and political rights.  It’s time to reinvigorate the peace process, not escalate tensions yet again with reckless actions during an Israeli election campaign.”

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