Australian Greens ready for the climate change election

Australian Greens Leader Senator Richard Di Natale has welcomed the official start of the election campaign, declaring that the party has never been better equipped to offer a progressive alternative to the old parties.
“We’re ready. On May 18, we’ll give the Australian people a genuine alternative to the old parties, one that offers a positive plan for Australia that will create a better future for all of us,” Sen. Di Natale said.
“This is the climate change election. Only the Greens have a real plan to tackle dangerous climate change and transition Australia out of coal to a jobs-rich, renewable economy. The Greens have a plan that is based on science, not politics.
“The Liberal and Labor parties won’t take the action we need on the climate because they are too compromised by the millions of dollars they take from their big donors in the coal, oil and gas lobby. The Greens don’t take big corporate donations, so our only focus is what’s best for people.
“Over the next 37 days, we’ll be outlining our comprehensive plan to turn Australia into a renewable energy superpower, move to 100 percent renewables by 2030 and create more than 180,000 jobs across the economy in the process.
“Neither Labor nor the Liberals have a plan to end the digging up, burning and exporting of coal, which is the biggest single contributor to climate change worldwide. If you don’t have a plan to transition out of coal you don’t have a plan to tackle climate change, it’s as simple as that.
“You only need to walk through electorates like Macnamara, Kooyong or Higgins to see that people want to send a message to the Liberals that we need strong action on climate change.
“Our goal is to return our brilliant team of Senators: Nick McKim, Larissa Waters, Janet Rice, Mehreen Faruqi, Jordon Steele-John, Sarah Hanson-Young, and to re-elect Adam Bandt and continue to build our lower house representation. We’ll put all of our energy into making that a reality, and to put ourselves into a position to hold a future Shorten Labor government to account.
“This election you have the chance to join the Greens in building a future for all of us, and I’m so excited to be kicking off this campaign today in Macnamara with our positive, progressive plan to tackle the big issues facing all Australians.
“Across the country, it’s clear that people want a plan to prevent the breakdown of our climate. Only the Greens have a plan to transition out of coal and into renewables, and at this election you help make that change a reality.”

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