Plibersek calls Australia 'the junkyard of the world'

On Melbourne radio this morning, Deputy Opposition Leader Tanya Plibersek heaped scorn on the most popular vehicles Australians love to drive, calling Australia “the junkyard of the world” as she continued to push Labor’s electric vehicle (EV) policy.
Ms Plibersek went on to bell the cat on Labor’s policy, saying:
“We are the junkyard of the world….If you want to buy an electric vehicle in Australia you’re looking at least $60,000 bucks in most cases, many of the cars that are on sale here, well put it this way, very few of them cost less than $60,000. I think there’s four models that cost less than $60,000.” ABC Radio Melbourne, 12 April 2019
Ms Plibersek has confirmed Labor wants to force Australians out of the cars we love, and into vehicles that cost over $60,000.
Our favourite vehicles are on Bill’s hit list. 17 of the top 20 most popular models in Australia don’t meet Labor’s 105gCO2/km vehicle emissions standard.
The average price of Australia’s 20 most popular vehicles is less than $35,000. Labor’s 105gCO2/km limit will increase the cost of a new car by more than $4,800. This is a tax on all vehicles over 105g/km, so the Labor party can force Australians to help them meet their costly EV target.
The Liberal National Government supports a natural transition to EVs for Australians who want to drive them.
We will achieve that through investments in congestion-busting infrastructure, continuing our support for Australian companies that are benefiting from opportunities in global manufacturing supply chains, and coordinating initiatives across all levels of government – so that Australian car owners can make their own decisions.
Only the Morrison Government has a strong, costed and planned strategy for emissions reduction. The Labor Party has set “economy wrecking” targets without a plan to get us there. Nowhere is this more obvious than in their hopeless and damaging EV policy.
If Bill Shorten can’t tell you what his policy will do to the price of cars and fuel. Don’t vote for it.

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