Delivering more apprentices for South Australia

The Morrison Government will partner with the Marshall Liberal Government to create an additional 20,800 apprenticeships and traineeships in South Australia over the next four years.
Minister for Small and Family Business, Skills and Vocational Education, Senator the Hon Michaelia Cash has today announced the extension of the South Australian Skilling Australians Fund (SAF) to 2021-2022.
The extended SAF agreement confirms more than $200 million in joint funding towards new apprenticeships, traineeships and other employment related training.
Minister Cash said “The Liberal National Government is committed to creating new apprenticeships and traineeships to ensure a pipeline of skilled workers for South Australia.”
“I am pleased that thousands of South Australians have already commenced an apprenticeship under the Skilling Australians Fund. Today’s announcement will boost South Australia’s apprentice and trainee workforce over the next four years.”
“Our Government is committed to creating more apprenticeships and traineeships and the new funding invested through the SAF aims to do this so that South Australian business and industry have the pipeline of skilled workers they need to grow the economy into the future.”
“The agreement, signed with the South Australian Government, will see more funding flow towards specific local projects which have been agreed with the Commonwealth.”
Minister Cash said the SAF is just one measure that supports skills and training in South Australia.
“South Australia also receives over $100 million annually in Federal Government payments to support skills through the National Agreement on Skills and Workforce Development, among other Government initiatives,” Minister Cash said.
“Apprenticeships and traineeships have a crucial role in fulfilling the needs of industries in South Australia that rely on a skilled workforce to drive innovation and growth.”
“Investing in growing South Australia’s skilled workforce is an investment in the future.”

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