Mediscare 2.0 lie caught out

Bill Shorten has been caught lying on hospital funding.
Despite the desperate attempts from Bill Shorten to run another Medi-hospital scare campaign, the facts on hospital funding are clear and show record funding each year, every year under the Coalition.
At the same time as Mr Shorten refuses to address why he stopped the listing of new medicines as Assistant Treasurer.
Federal funding has increased for public hospitals by from $13.3 billion in 2012–13, to $23 billion, $24 billion, $25 billion and $26 billion over the course of this Budget.
By 2024-25, funding will have more than doubled to $29.1 billion per annum under the new national hospitals agreement with the states and territories.
The new national hospitals agreement will provide an additional $31 billion in public hospital funding from 2020-21 to 2024-25, taking overall funding during this period to $131 billion.
Western Australia, Tasmania, the Northern Territory, Australian Capital Territory, South Australia, and New South Wales have all signed the new agreement.
Bill Shorten’s hospital proposal does not mean more money for hospitals.
As we’ve seen over the last 3 years, the extra Commonwealth funding has meant the states and territories have reduced their funding to hospitals.
An independent report by the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare showed Commonwealth funding growing by 6.2% and state and territories 0.1% in 2016-17 compared with the previous year.
The Coalition has also delivered record bulk billing for people visiting their GP, rising from 82 per cent under Labor to 86 per cent under the Coalition.
In addition the Liberal National Government is providing $1.3 billion to fund projects and services in every state and territory, supporting patient care while reducing pressure on community and hospital services.
We have also invested $1.6 billion in primary care services.
When it comes to health, you can’t trust Bill Shorten, whose track record shows he stopped listing medicines on the PBS as a direct result of his financial mismanagement.
It is a strong economy, delivered by a Morrison Government which is guaranteeing the essential health services Australians need.

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