Coalition helps more young people transition to work

The Coalition Government will help even more young people improve their work-readiness and get a job by expanding eligibility for the successful Transition to Work employment service.
Transition to Work provides intensive pre-employment support for young people aged 15–21 years to improve their work-readiness and help them into work (including apprenticeships and traineeships) or education.
The expansion of the eligibility age for Transition to Work will allow disadvantaged young people aged 22–24 to also benefit from the service.
Minister for Jobs and Industrial Relations, the Hon Kelly O’Dwyer MP, said expanding eligibility for Transition to Work will give even more young Australians the opportunity to get a job.
“Under the Coalition we have seen more than 1.2 million new jobs created, but we want to see even more Australians in work,” Minister O’Dwyer said.
“Whilst we have made progress, youth unemployment remains too high and some young people need targeted and intensive assistance to help them move into work or education.”
“Over the three years it has been operating, more than 79,000 young people aged 15–21 have commenced in Transition to Work, achieving over 32,300 employment and education outcomes. We want to see more disadvantaged young people benefit from the intensive support offered by the service.”
Transition to Work will remain voluntary, with young people able to choose to participate in jobactive instead. The eligibility change is expected to benefit more than 2,000 young people aged 22-24 annually and will better align the service with the Government’s broader suite of youth-specific programs, including Youth Jobs PaTH.
“Importantly, this new measure does not change other aspects of Transition to Work eligibility, which will ensure the service remains targeted to young people who will benefit from the intensive service provided,” Minister O’Dwyer concluded.
Funding for this measure was included in the New Employment Services pilot and transitional arrangements measure announced in the 2019–20 Budget. It will commence from 1 January 2020.
For more information about Transition to Work, visit

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