Morrison Government Support for Port Phillip Men's Shed

Minister for Families and Social Services, Paul Fletcher and Liberal Candidate for Macnamara Kate Ashmor today announced that the Morrison Government would support Port Phillip Men’s Shed with a grant of $20,000 to promote social inclusion.
Mr Fletcher said that the grant would be vital for Port Phillip Men’s Shed to continue its programs and activities for local people to come together as a community, interact with each other, and give back to the community.
“The grant of $20,000 will be used for obtaining equipment such as saws and other materials to support delivery of the Men’s Shed activities and community projects, as well as for building an extra work space to increase the work capacity of the premises. In addition, it will be used to deliver a men’s health class to participants.
Men’s Sheds encourage and promote positive social interaction amongst members by providing cooperative and supportive workshop practices, meetings, get-togethers and other social activities. The Port Phillip Men’s Shed has 93 members, including 13 women, and membership is increasing by 3-4 people every month.
“This funding will go a long way towards assisting Port Phillip Men’s Shed with its goals of connecting and supporting disadvantaged people in a community environment — by using immersive activities to provide positive social interaction, increase a sense of belonging, and to strengthen shared identity,” said Mr Fletcher.
Liberal candidate for Macnamara Kate Ashmor said the Port Phillip Men’s Shed is a fantastic organisation that provides tools and space for local people to come together as a community to both socialise and build things that will benefit schools, NGOs and other organisations.
“It runs several workshops aimed at equipping disadvantaged members of the community with artisan skills to boost their chances of finding work,” said Ms Ashmor.

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