$50K to Support Young Carers and Their Families

Today Minister for Families and Social Services, Paul Fletcher and the Liberal Candidate for Macnamara Kate Ashmor announced that the Liberal National Government would provide $50,000 to Little Dreamers, an organisation that supports young carers and their families.
The additional funding will help the organisation run the Little Dreamers School Holiday Program, which facilitates activities for Young Carers centred around science, arts and crafts, animal, mindfulness, games and socialisation over the holiday period.
Mr Fletcher said that the funding aims to build community cohesion.
“Spectrum Journeys is a vibrant community organisation that has received local and national recognition. The funding will assist the organisation to provide young carers in Victoria and NSW to come together and connect with other young people in similar situations,” Mr Fletcher said.
The Liberal Candidate for Macnamara, Kate Ashmor, said that the funding will support vulnerable youth who carry the extra-burden of being a Young Carer.
“This additional funding will help support close to 300 Young Carers across Victoria and NSW”, said Ms Ashmor.
“Over the past eight months alone, Little Dreamers has supported over 2000 Young Carers”
“The work of Little Dreamers is so important for Young Carers and it makes them feel acknowledged.”
Mr Fletcher said that Ms Ashmor was a terrific advocate on behalf of her community and had successfully made the case for funding to the Government.

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