Funding for 1000 Defibrillators in Caravan Parks

The Morrison Government will invest $1 million to support the installation of defibrillators at camping sites, throughout Australia, in an exciting partnership with the Caravan Industry Association of Australia.
An estimated 1000 Caravan Parks throughout the country will be given funding to ensure the installation of defibrillators at sites where over 11 million Australians choose to stay each year.
Minister for Health, Greg Hunt said heading off on that caravan and camping trip to regional Australia has just become that much safer.
“Research shows that if a person is defibrillated within the first five minutes of collapse, their chance of survival is around 90 per cent,” Minister Hunt said.
“For every minute that this is delayed, the chances of survival decrease by up to 10 per cent.”
“This initiative will save and protect lives,” Minister Hunt said.
Minister McKenzie said this investment will make those Australians who want to get out into the regions to explore the natural beauty, feel safer knowing that medical help is not far away.
“We know that more and more Australians are visiting our regions and by increasing their attractiveness to domestic and especially international visitors with better medical amenities, it will help grow regional economies.
“With 44 cents of every tourist dollar spent in regional areas and the industry providing 8% of employment in the regions, it makes smart economic sense as well as medical.”
CEO of Caravan Industry Association of Australia, Stuart Lamont welcomed the funding as an exciting and yet common sense initiative that will put the best technology into holiday locations across the nation.
Mr Lamont said, “Caravan parks are popular holiday destinations – particularly with senior Australians who are at an increased risk of heart attack.”
“We also know that in rural and regional areas it can take longer for an ambulance to arrive, given the distances they sometimes have to travel.”
“This program will ensure that if a person suffers a heart attack in a caravan park that lifesaving help is close to hand,” Mr Lamont said.
The Caravan Industry Association of Australia (CIA) will manage the implementation of the program on a 50:50 partnership with caravan parks contributing half the cost of each defibrillator and will work with caravan parks to ensure a speedy roll-out of the program. Funds are available in this financial year.
The Morrison Government is committed to ensuring access to vital health services and infrastructure when and where it is needed most.

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