Independent Experts Expose Labor's Aged Care Lies

You can’t trust a word Bill Shorten and Labor say on aged care, with independent experts repeatedly labelling Labor as “misleading” over its aged care funding lies. Misleading is a polite term for serial liar.
Now Bill Shorten’s candidate for Hasluck has been caught out perpetuating these mistruths – after Labor’s discredited claims were busted three times by respected analysts at Melbourne’s RMIT and the Australian National University.
RMIT found Labor’s “claim is misleading… our analysis and conclusions have not changed.
“Spending on aged care has risen by more than $1 billion per year under the Coalition.”
Health Department figures show aged care funding has grown from $13.3 billion under Labor to more than $20.5 billion this year.
Bill Shorten has a track record of scare campaigns and his latest aged care funding fibs echo his brazen attempt to hide his superannuation cash grab and his pulling of policy off Labor’s website.
He’s not across the detail and not prepared to be honest about what he will do to senior Australians.
In contrast, Scott Morrison has a clear commitment to a stronger economy that supports record funding in health, education and aged care.
With our Budget’s $7 billion aged care boost, we are listening to older Australians, actioning new plans and growing home and residential care services.
This includes 10,000 home care packages, lifting total home care package announcements to 40,000 in the past 18 months.
There’s $5.8 billion to fund essential Commonwealth Home Support Program services including meals, home modifications, transport and nursing.
The Budget also backs the biggest residential care growth in Australia’s history – 13,500 new places and capital grants – worth $967 million.
Aged care safety and quality innovation is a Budget priority, with $38.4 million for a real-time risk management system in residential care, and $17.4 million to increase safety compliance and grow the professional aged care workforce.
The fact is, under the Coalition aged care funding is up, home care packages are up and residential aged care places are up – to record levels.
You can’t believe a word Labor says on aged care.
In Bill Shorten’s Budget reply, aged care and ageing barely got a mention.
Labor has no plans for senior Australians – other than to tax them.

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