Record Jobs Numbers Demonstrate Importance of a Strong Economy

Today’s Australian Bureau of Statistics Labour Force figures demonstrate the benefits of a strong economy, with 1,316,000 jobs created since the Coalition Government came to office in September 2013.
There are more Australians in work than ever before. Total employment has increased by 304,700 over the year to a record high of 12,791,500. Full-time jobs growth increased 48,300 in March 2019, and in the last twelve month 95 per cent of the jobs created have been full-time jobs.
Under the Coalition female employment has reached record highs, with female employment currently at 6,000,600. Under the Coalition we have also seen the lowest gender pay gap on record and record high levels of female workforce participation.
Minister for Jobs and Industrial Relations, the Hon Kelly O’Dwyer, said the Coalition’s economic plan is working.
“Our plan for a strong economy is working. There are more Australians in work than ever before, with more than 1.3 million jobs created over our time in Government,” Minister O’Dwyer said.
“But we want to see even more Australians in work, which is why our plan for a strong economy is so important.”
“A re-elected Morrison Government will pledge to create an additional 1.25 million jobs over five years, including an additional 250,000 jobs for young people.”
“Our personal income tax plan will encourage and reward hard work and help families get ahead. And our small business tax plan benefits 3.4 million businesses employing over 7 million Australians. Only a re-elected Morrison Government has a plan for a strong economy.”
“Labor and Bill Shorten’s $387 billion in higher taxes will weaken our economy, undermine small business, and put jobs at risk.”
“When Labor was last in government the unemployment rate jumped from 4.4 per cent to 5.7 per cent, and in their final year in office full-time employment fell by over 20,000.”
“The choice is clear. Only a re-elected Morrison Government has a plan for a stronger economy which will create jobs and guarantee the essential services Australians rely on,” Minister O’Dwyer concluded.

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