Keeping Australians Safe on our Roads

Keeping all drivers safe on our roads will continue to be a key priority of a re-elected Morrison Government, with a new $12 million package providing extra road safety measures.
Prime Minister Scott Morrison said nothing was more important than keeping Australians safe.
“Easter is a busy time on our roads with many Australians taking the opportunity to spend time with loved ones. But I urge everyone to slow down, obey road rules and get to their destination safely,” Mr Morrison said.
“Any life lost on our roads is one too many. Too many of us have had to deal with the loss of a family member or friend at some stage and it is a harrowing experience.
“Our $12 million package will upgrade 175 popular Driver Reviver sites across Australia, increase assistance for learner drivers and their parents and roll out a new programme to educate caravan and campervan drivers.”
Deputy Prime Minister Michael McCormack said while the Liberal and Nationals’ record investment in safer roads was seeing dividends, there is more to do at a local level.
“Our record investment into safer roads has saved lives, but there are more blackspots to be fixed, bridges to be upgraded and roads to be sealed,” Mr McCormack said.
“We want to tackle the road toll at a local level, town by town.
“A plan of this magnitude can only be achieved through the Liberal and Nationals’ strong economic management.”
To help with safer driving options and to combat driver fatigue, a re-elected Liberal and Nationals Government will invest:

  • $8 million in capped grants to help upgrade the 175 existing Driver Reviver locations nationwide to improve existing sites and support the establishment of new sites;
  • $1.2 million over four years to support the Driver Reviver programme to improve awareness of sites and for the engagement of volunteers;
  • $1 million over four years to partner with industry to develop and promote programmes to better educate caravan, campervan and motorhome drivers on safety awareness;
  • Develop a nationally consistent approach to new and improved pullover bays with a focus on single lane highways, popular tourist routes and off-network roads; and
  • $1.8 million to support a one-year pilot of the Australian Safety Foundation’s Digital Road Safety Passport for Schools for Year 9 students, which will cover the foundations of road safety, including getting to and from school safely.

Under the Liberal and Nationals Government, record funding will continue to be invested into road infrastructure to support new and upgraded major highways, as well as critical maintenance on local roads.
Complementing these investments will be a range of support measures to address driver fatigue as part of the Coalition’s plan for road safety.
These new initiatives follow recent road safety announcements made in the 2019-20 Budget including:

  • An additional $1.1 billion for the Roads to Recovery programme;
  • An additional $550 million for the Black Spot Program;
  • An additional $275 million for the Heavy Vehicle Safety and Productivity Program
  • An additional $275 million for the Bridges Renewal Program;
  • $12 million for a Road Safety Innovation Fund to support road safety research and the development of new road safety technologies and products;
  • An additional $6 million for the Heavy Vehicle Safety Initiative to fund projects that identify opportunities to improve heavy vehicle safety;
  • $5.9 million for the establishment of the Office of Road Safety to facilitate a greater coordination and leadership role for the Government in road safety;
  • An additional $8 million to secure the Keys2Drive program for the next four years;
  • $4 million to support road safety awareness, education and collaborative initiatives with nationally focused road organisations that promote road safety; and
  • $2.6 million for the Australian Road Research Board (ARRB) to assist local governments to assess their road asset management and maintenance requirements with a focus on regional areas.

We can make these critically important investments without raises taxes, because we have a plan for a stronger economy.
In contrast, Labor have a plan for $387 billion in new taxes that will only weaken our economy.
Only the Liberal and Nationals have a plan for a stronger economy, which will create jobs and guarantee the essential infrastructure and services that Australians need and rely on.

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