Death of South Australian Police Officer, Brevet Sergeant Jason Doig

Every day a police officer dons their uniform, and every hour they are on duty, they knowingly and willingly put themselves in harm’s way to protect the rest of us.

As the shields of our communities, our men and women in blue risk their lives. And sometimes, ever so sadly, our police officers pay the ultimate price for their dedication to law and order.

South Australian Police Officer, Brevet Sergeant Jason Doig, tragically lost his life last night.

The seasoned 53-year-old officer, together with two fellow officers Sergeant Michael Hutchinson and Constable Rebekah Cass, attended a property after 11pm at Senior near Bordertown in the state’s south-east, close to the Victorian border.

The officers confronted an armed suspect. Brevet Sergeant Doig was shot and killed.

My thoughts are with Brevet Sergeant Doig’s family and friends who have had their lives upended and will be enduring their darkest hours.

Sergeant Michael Hutchinson was also wounded in the shooting. I wish him a speedy recovery.

The South Australian police – especially those from Brevet Sergeant Doig’s Lucindale Police Station – and the local communities around Bordertown and Lucindale will also have been rocked by this event.

This incident comes less than a year after the Wieambilla disaster where police officers also attended a rural property and were shot dead.

Today, in tragedy, we salute the life of Brevet Sergeant Jason Doig. He chose a noble profession. He did his duty. He served his community with distinction.

We remember a remarkable Australian who embodied the very best of Australia.

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