The Liberals’ list of demands to pass the government’s PRRT reforms makes Treasurer Jim Chalmers’ choice even more stark, the Greens say.

Greens Economic Justice Spokesperson Senator Nick McKim said:

“Labor’s choice is now abundantly clear: work with the Greens and deliver fairer tax returns from gas corporations and more budget revenue, or work with the Liberals to cut a sweetheart deal for the gas cartel.”

“The Liberals’ demands would require Labor to squib on the agreement they made with the Greens on the Safeguard mechanism, and wind back critical consultation mechanisms with First Nations people.”

“The Liberals demanding such an outrageous deal for their gas cartel mates is simply taking the piss, and Mr Chalmers must hold the line.”

The Liberals’ proposed changes would put industry interests over the public good.”

“The gas industry has paid barely any tax on billions of profits for years. It’s time that they paid more tax and the Greens stand ready to work withMr Chalmers to deliver that.”

Greens portfolio holder for First Nations, Resources, Trade, Tourism and Sport, and Yamatji Noongar woman, Senator Dorinda Cox said:

“The Liberals new demands on the PRRT reforms show they are in bed with the gas cartel and hell bent on giving companies who pay very little tax, more power to continue environmental and cultural destruction.

“Any talk about ‘restarting offshore gas investment’ and ‘overhauling assessment regulations’ needs to be seen for what it is – an attempt to boost the gas cartel’s profits and destroy cultural heritage and rights of First Nations people.

“The cultural and environmental impacts of the gas industry must be considered, and we have seen several Federal Court cases lead to injunctions, all with similar themes that ‘consultation’ must include the relevant people who will be affected by the project and hold the stories for land and sea country; this also means free, prior and informed consent has been obtained.

“Governments are  cosying up with the mates in the fossil fuel industry hatching this plan, aided by the Coalition wringing their hands and salivating for a new deal to pass this legislation. We see this at a state level in WA, and at a federal level too, and clearly the Liberals are singing from the same ‘State Capture’ songbook.”

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