Toowoomba Regional Council has become only the sixth in Queensland to oppose development of new gas wells after farmer concerns about sinking soil and water contamination.

The Greens welcome the vote for a moratorium on coal seam gas projects from Toowoomba Regional Council as a huge win for farmers and the environment. 

Greens Senator for Queensland Larissa Waters said:

“The unanimous vote by Toowoomba councillors is a huge win for Toowoomba farmers, the environment and the community.

“It sends a strong message legally that Council won’t approve any local-level permissions required for coal seam gas, and sends a strong message politically to the state and federal government that farmland, water and the climate are more important than private fossil fuel profits. 

It’s time for governments at all levels to say no to new coal and gas, and stop caving to the fossil fuel industry destroying the water, land and communities of regional Queensland.

“For over a decade I have had a private members bill to give farmers, traditional owners and other landholders the right to say no to coal seam gas and coal mining on their land.

“Labor should join the Greens in standing shoulder-to-shoulder with Queensland farmers and regional communities to protect them from risky fossil fuel extraction and the climate change it drives. 

“The government cannot claim to be serious about “climate action” while continuing to support new fossil fuel projects in Australia.

“It’s long past time for the major parties to act on the science, not the demands of their coal & gas donors.”

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