Labor’s lazy approach to housing reform not right for New South Wales

The NSW Opposition supports measures, including increased density, to deliver the state’s ambitious housing targets – but they must be done right and in partnership with local communities.
We know that a one-size-fits-all all approach isn’t the right approach. It’s lazy and ill-thought-through policy that shows the Minns Labor Government aren’t interested in putting in the hard work in to deliver on their housing targets.
Despite their offer of bipartisanship to help address the housing crisis, the Government has shown they’re more willing to tell local communities to “get out of the way” than in working constructively with the Opposition or with local councils.
The Government has failed to:

  • release new housing targets for local councils,
  • allow local councils the opportunity to amend local planning laws to meet and exceed new targets, and
  • address demand-side pressures on housing.

Chris Minns says that he’s willing to work constructively on this issue – but has failed to do so.
The Opposition is ready and willing to work with the Government, having presenting policy options including incentivising local councils to meet and exceed their housing targets and addressing immigration and population growth to take the pressure off rents and house prices.
The Opposition will stand with local communities as we work to address demand and supply constraints on housing – and meet our state’s housing targets.
The Government must require councils to meet local housing targets and may ultimately have to impose planning controls on local communities to get this done. However, in the first instance the Government should give communities a chance to formulate local controls, but it hasn’t bothered to do so. Communities shouldn’t pay the price for Chris Minns and Labor’s lazy policy-making.

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