Prime Minister Anthony Albanese’s cynical pivot against migration shows just how far he has ceded his decision making to Peter Dutton, the Greens say.

“Labor mindlessly blaming migration for Australia’s housing crisis just shows that there is very little difference between the major parties,” Greens Immigration spokesperson Nick McKim said.

“Engaging in a race to the bottom on migration with Mr Dutton will not end well for migrants.”

“This reeks of desperation by a Prime Minister who is being led by the nose by Peter Dutton.” 

“Appeasing Peter Dutton on migration issues hasn’t worked for the past decade and it will not work now.

“He will pocket whatever concessions he gets and take another giant step to the right.”

“Australia’s housing crisis has been caused by 40 years of deliberate underinvestment in social housing by both major parties.”

“The people of this country voted the Liberals out of office last year – it seems everyone except Mr Albanese has realised this fact.”

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