$300,000 to Support Western Port Biosphere

A re-elected Liberal National Government will invest up to $300,000 over the next three years to support the continuing operations of the Western Port Biosphere.
The $100,000 per annum funding will allow the Biosphere to expand their conservation efforts, including continued on-ground work on monitoring native Southern Brown Bandicoot populations, the UNESCO Ramsar wetlands and local water quality.
Liberal Member for Flinders, the Hon. Greg Hunt MP, said the funding would help secure long term stability for the Biosphere.
“We live in such a unique part of Australia here on the Peninsula and that has been recognised by UNESCO Biosphere status,” Minister Hunt said.
“The team here at Western Port Biosphere do a tremendous job in protecting and studying our local plant and animal life and the Liberal National Government is supporting them in their duties by providing $300,000 over the next three years to expand their work.”
“This funding commitment gives the Biosphere long term certainty in funding so that they can get on with the important job of conservationism in Western Port.”
“This is extremely welcome news,” Executive Officer of the Biosphere, Mr Greg Hunt said. “This will enable us to ramp up our activities right across the Biosphere, to protect threatened species such as the Southern Brown Bandicoot and to add further projects that investigate the balance between conservation and development.”
“After all, finding better ways to live in our environment is what a UNESCO Biosphere is all about.”

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