The Greens (WA) focus on young people for climate change election, but could lose Senate seat to One Nation

Australian Greens Senator for WA Jordon Steele-John is in even greater danger of losing his seat to Pauline Hanson’s One Nation, after today’s ballot draw placed the far-right party in first position on the Senate ballot paper.

Senator Steele-John said in the face of so much hate and division from the ever-increasing number of far-right parties, it had never been more important to ensure the Greens maintained a strong Senate presence.
“Our seat here in WA is under threat from the politics of fear, hate and division at a time when we need compassion, and urgent action on the issues facing all of us: climate change, growing economic inequality and corporate influence in our democracy!
“We have a comprehensive, fully-costed plan to address these issues and ensure that we all have what we need to live a good life, but to do that we have to hold onto our Senate seat here in WA.”
The Greens (WA) are putting their focus squarely on young people this election, fielding ten candidates who are under the age of 35, lead by 24 year old Senator Jordon Steele-John.
More than 40 per cent of the Australian population is made up of people under the age of 35, yet there are only 2 elected members of Parliament currently in that age group out of 227 seats across both houses – or less than 1 per cent.
There are also 5 candidate in Greens (WA) 2019 team who identify as members of the LGBTQI+ community, and 3 candidates from culturaly and linguistically diverse backgrounds.

Senator Steele-john said he was excited to be part of a team that reflected the diversity of backgrounds and experiences seen across Western Australia’s diverse communities, and proud to be leading a team of young candidates in what is shaping up to be a climate change election.

“We are the people who live with the consequences of the decisions made by this government – the inaction on climate change, the dismantling of our progressive taxation system and the cutting of our services – it only makes sense that we should be better represented in the Federal Patrliament.

“Our movement is committed to strong action on climate change, free tertiary education and world class services so that we all have what we need to live a good life. We want to clean up politics by getting rid of corporate money and influence from our democratic system.

“Our Green movement is fighting for a future for all of us, not just the wealthy few, which is why I am so proud to be your Lead Senate candidate for WA this Federal Election.”

The Greens (WA) were 4th on the ballot draw out of 23 groups and 5 individuals.

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