Libs fail the environment again on secretive uranium decision

The Liberals have shown we can’t risk another term of them in Government, by approving a destructive uranium mine on the eve of an election being called, and trying to hide it.
“The Liberals are trashing the environment behind voters’ backs. They have tried to hide this destructive uranium mine decision from voters. They do not deserve another term of government,” Greens environment spokesperson Senator Sarah Hanson-Young said.
“Melissa Price as Environment Minister has been an environment wrecker. Days after she signed off on the Adani coal mine, she’s sold out our environment again to her mining mates in WA by approving a uranium mine.
“We need stronger environmental laws enforced by a national Environmental Protection Authority that back nature, our communities and traditional owners who have raised serious concerns and objections to mines such as this. The Western Australian EPA advised against it, yet is powerless to stop it.
“The environment can’t handle another three years of the Liberal Government looking after their mining mates rather than looking after the planet. The Liberals cannot be trusted to put our environment first.
“We need Greens in the Senate to stand up to governments who side with their mining industry mates. We will always fight for restoring and protecting nature over opening up another destructive uranium mine.”

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