The Albanese government’s claim it’s “on track” to protect the Great Barrier Reef from being declared ‘in danger’ at an upcoming World Heritage Committee meeting is being labelled as duplicitous by the Greens. 

Greens spokesperson for healthy oceans, Senator Peter Whish-Wilson said:

“Rising global emissions are warming our oceans and killing the Great Barrier Reef as we have been lucky enough to know it during our lifetime. In any sense of the word, it is ‘in danger’ from fossil fools and fossil fuels.

“Only the strongest climate action can secure the future of this global natural wonder.

“The Albanese government is duplicitous and not fooling anyone when it claims it’s “on track” to protect the Great Barrier Reef from climate change while simultaneously facilitating new fossil fuel projects like Barossa; one of the dirtiest projects in Australia’s history that’ll emit 401 million tonnes of CO2 over its lifetime.

“The World Heritage Committee first warned the Great Barrier Reef could be declared in danger due to climate change over a decade ago. Yet instead of treating the root cause of the reef’s decline – which is rising emissions from burning fossil fuels – it’s been a case of deja vu as successive governments splash cash to buy political cover.

“Endless scientific reports continue to sound the alarm on the grim outlook for the reef, with scientists now concerned that back-to-back cyclones have exposed the Great Barrier Reef to extensive and persistent flood plumes. Help to mitigate the impacts of these events is of course welcome, but the Great Barrier Reef can’t be protected from the political stupidity of prioritising new coal and gas over coral.”

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