Building a prosperous future with Malaysia

Prime Minister Albanese hosted Malaysian Prime Minister the Honourable Anwar Ibrahim for an official visit to Australia in Melbourne today. The two Prime Ministers held the second Australia-Malaysia Annual Leaders Meeting.

Malaysia is an important regional partner and friend to Australia. Leaders discussed their desire to bring our people and economies closer together, guided by our Comprehensive Strategic Partnership and Invested: Australia’s Southeast Asia Economic Strategy to 2040.

The Prime Ministers agreed to a range of initiatives to achieve this vision.

The Southeast Asian Economic Strategy highlighted the digital economy as a priority growth area for Australian business in Malaysia. In response to this opportunity, leaders announced a new agreement to encourage collaboration between Australian and Malaysian technology companies, which will boost two-way investment.

Leaders also welcomed new cooperation on maritime decarbonisation and clean energy which will reduce shipping emissions and drive cooperation on renewable energy uptake.

A new Maritime Cooperation Package reflects the importance of maritime trade to Australia and Malaysia. This partnership will bolster maritime cooperation between Australia and Malaysia, strengthen maritime domain awareness capability and build expertise in international law of the sea and marine environmental protection.

Our people are the greatest asset to our relationship, with more than 170,000 people of Malaysian heritage calling Australia home.

The leaders agreed to collaborate more closely on education – from early childhood to university, and on opportunities for our young sportspeople to develop together.

Australia is also pleased to support Malaysia’s democratic reforms through the Australia-Malaysia Institutional Strengthening Program, which will support Malaysia’s work to strengthen government integrity and transparency.

In recognition of the evolving security issues we face together, Australia and Malaysia committed to working more closely to manage cyber security threats and train our professionals in cyber skills. The two countries also agreed to strengthen cooperation on nuclear non-proliferation.

These important and practical initiatives will see more generations of Australians and Malaysians studying, training, and working together.

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese said:

“I was honoured to welcome Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim to Australia for his first official visit as Prime Minister of Malaysia.

“The Australian Government is committed to deepening links with Southeast Asia, and Malaysia is a longstanding friend and partner in the region.

“Looking to the future, there are enormous opportunities to be realised by closer cooperation between Australia and Malaysia.

“Australia and Malaysia share a firm commitment to an Indo-Pacific region that is open, stable and prosperous. I look forward to continuing to work with Prime Minister Anwar, particularly as Malaysia takes on the role of ASEAN Chair next year.”

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