Where is the Immigration Minister?

The Immigration Minister Andrew Giles is still missing in action while Australia’s detention regime collapses and Australians are put at risk.

Where is the evidence he is dealing with the problems on his watch?

Why does he have nothing to say about the detainee his government released into the community who allegedly bashed a Perth cancer survivor during a home robbery?

Why won’t he explain why the man who allegedly bashed and robbed a Perth cancer survivor was not required to wear an electronic ankle monitor?

Why won’t he stand up and explain what steps the Albanese Labor Government is taking to keep people safe?

Why won’t he stand up and reassure the Australian people they are safe?

The last time Giles stood before the press and answered questions was on March 27 when he, and Home Affairs Minister Clare O’Neil, cut the journalists off and ran away as soon as the questions got tough.

Home Affairs revealed in February that the government had released seven murderers, 37 sex offenders, and 72 violent offenders into the community. Why hasn’t Giles provided an updated figure?

And what exactly are the reporting conditions on these criminals?

Giles skipped three crucial meetings with his department about the NZYQ court case and instead promoted the Voice and travelled to the UK to attend a political party conference. Has he ever explained why?

The Commonwealth conceded they could not deport NZYQ which undermined the government’s legal argument, paving the way to the release of over 150 criminals into the community. Has Giles ever explained his role in that decision?

Giles’ own department issued the wrong visa to the detainees released into the community, has he explained this failure and the steps he took to stop it happening again?

This government even created a taskforce called Operation Zufolo to help it manage Labor’s immigration detention mess, but one government insider said it was only there to “look like we are symbolically doing something”, according to media reports.

That says everything you need to know about the Albanese Labor Government — they are all symbolism, and no action. All froth and no substance.

This Labor Government has made a mess of immigration detention.

According to media reports Anthony Albanese told an abuse survivor at a rally on Sunday: “I’m the Prime Minister of the country, I run this country”.

Well, he should start running the country by sacking Andrew Giles and taking personal responsibility for cleaning up Labor’s mess before more Australians get hurt.

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