NSW Greens Launch Federal Election Campaign to Re-elect Senator Mehreen Faruqi

Hundreds of Greens members and supporters have joined the launch of the Greens NSW Federal election campaign. The priority of their campaign is to re-elect Senator Mehreen Faruqi.

Senator Faruqi adressed the crowd highlighting the important role the Greens play in the Senate, the urgent need to act on climate change and the real risk of One Nation or the United Australia Party of taking the NSW seat.

Senator Faruqi said:

“There is no doubt this is ‘the’ climate election. So let’s make sure we turf out the coal huggers in parliament. But we know that a Shorten Labor Government isn’t going to make the changes we need.  A strong Greens presence in the parliament is the only way to push them to do better.
“The Liberal National govt has been a complete disaster for people and the planet.  For them it’s all about the big end of town. The time to kick them out is finally here and it could not have come sooner. But the Labor party are really lagging behind on issues that are so near and dear to our hearts such as compassion for refugees, stopping Adani, making sure we have a social safety net by raising youth allowance and Newstart by $75 a week, a medicare funded denticare and free University and TAFE. Right now more than ever politics needs a shake up because time is running out. Right now more than ever before we need Greens in parliament.
“The Senate is going to be critical in pushing a possible Shorten Labor government to do the right thing. With the Greens the holding the balance of power in the Senate – we can do just that.
“There are a number of crucial issues facing us and how we respond to these challenges today will determine our tomorrow. We are in a climate emergency. Scientists are telling us that if we keep going down the current trajectory we have less than a decade until our climate breaks down. Coal is the biggest cause of climate change. Australia is the biggest exporter of coal. Without addressing coal we cannot deal with climate change.
“A strong economy is one that works for all of us and the planet, not just the wealthy few. But the harsh reality is that while we are one of the richest countries in the world, so many are being left behind – 700,000 children live in poverty, 100,000 people are homeless, so many are living on a mere $40 a day, young people are struggling like never before. The time to fight for a fair, more equal and just society is here and now!
“This election we have the opportunity to say ‘enough is enough’ and pave the way for the society which is respectful, inclusive and unashamedly multicultural, where all of us are considered ‘one of us’, where our parliaments look like the streets and suburbs of our country and where we are judged by what we do, not where we come from.
“This election, People are looking at something to believe in. They are looking for some genuine, authentic leadership. They are looking for a vision and a plan that tackles the big challenges. A plan that looks after everyone – not just those who can buy influence” she concluded.

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