Labor set to raise rubbish rates

The NSW Opposition will move to stop Minns Labor Government regulations that are set to increase rubbish and recycling costs for households across the state. 

Shadow Minister for Local Government Wendy Tuckerman said the Opposition will move to disallow the Local Government (General) Amendment (Tendering) Regulation (No 2) 2023, that will drive up council costs which will be inevitably passed on to ratepayers. 

“Due to their poor design and a lack of consultation with stakeholders, Labor’s regulations forced operational inefficiencies on waste management contractors, and will potentially force councils to pay double for accrued employee entitlements,” Mrs Tuckerman said. 

“Pushing through poorly thought amendments without consultation or advice from councils, waste contractors, or peak industry bodies has resulted in a terrible outcome for everyone – particularly NSW ratepayers who will end up having to pay for this mess.” 

Shadow Minister for Environment Kellie Sloane said the failure to ensure transparency and fairness within the regulation has already impacted councils’ waste tendering process. 

“Labor’s rushed plan is stifling competition and innovation across the waste management and resource recovery sectors,” Ms Sloane said. “This will have long-term repercussions for the providers, councils and our environment.” 

“We urge the Government to engage with stakeholders, and work together on a new and effective solution,” Mrs Tuckerman said. 

“Councils and communities across the state are calling for certainty, simplicity and cost efficiencies – these regulations from the Minns Labor Government is the exact opposite”. 

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