Labor set to raise rubbish rates

The Minns Labor Government has pushed through regulations that are poised to hike up rubbish and recycling costs for households statewide.
Shadow Minister for Local Government Wendy Tuckerman said the Local Government (General) Amendment (Tendering) Regulation (No 2) 2023 will escalate expenses for councils, inevitably burdening ratepayers.
“The many flaws in this regulation are in large part due to Labor’s failure to consult with stakeholders. An example of the many concerns that stakeholders have raised with the regulation is that councils could be forced to pay double for accrued employee entitlements.
“Rushed amendments, devoid of input from councils, waste contractors, or industry bodies, have produced adverse consequences, and it will be a cost paid by NSW ratepayers.
Shadow Minister for Environment Kellie Sloane echoed concerns about the regulation’s failure to guarantee transparency and fairness in waste management contracts, which will impact resource recovery and recycling service suppliers.
“Labor’s approach will stifle competition and innovation in waste management and resource recovery, and there will be long-term repercussions for providers, councils, and the environment,” Ms Sloane said.
The Opposition urges the Government to immediately engage with stakeholders and rectify the identified problems.
“We are calling on the Minns Labor Government to engage councils and communities statewide to amend their regulations, providing simplicity, certainty and cost efficiencies.

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