Today in Question Time the Prime Minister rejected media reports that he had given an ironclad guarantee to big corporations to not allow a climate trigger to stop more coal and gas in environment laws.

The Greens are in balance of power on the new laws, and the Greens will push for a climate trigger and the protection for native forests to be included in the laws as a condition of our support.

Australian Greens Environment spokesperson, Senator Sarah Hanson-Young:
“We welcome the PM’s rejection of reports that he gave big corporations a guarantee a climate trigger won’t be in new environment laws,” Senator Hanson-Young said.

“This shows that a climate trigger is still on the table in this parliament. The nation’s big polluters are on notice – the era of dirty coal and gas is almost over.

“The Greens will push for a climate trigger in new environment laws to stop more coal and gas mines, as well as an end to native forest logging.

“Any new environment laws that allow more fossil fuels and the destruction of our forests are not worth the paper they’re printed on. The Greens won’t be rubber-stamping any new laws that simply pander to the fossil fuel lobby, fail to protect nature, and do little to cut pollution.

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