The latest quarterly emissions data shows that pollution has risen slightly since Labor has come into office, with a massive long-term rise in gas pollution putting a safer climate out of reach.

432.6 million tonnes of emissions were released in the year to June 2022 and they sit at 432.9 million tonnes in the quarterly report released today. 

Today’s report details a staggering 22.0% rise since 2005 in stationary energy emissions associated with the growth in production and export of LNG. 

The figures show that at the current rate, there is no prospect of Australia cutting its pollution consistent with limiting global warming to 1.5 or 2 degrees, the goals enshrined in the Paris Agreement. 

Even Labor’s weak targets – which blow out past 2 degrees – are under threat from stubbornly high gas pollution. Emissions would need to decline an average 3.7% a year to meet even Labor’s inadequate net zero by 2050 timeline, with the easiest, steepest cuts occurring right now. Instead, the data shows emissions reductions have stalled since Labor has come to office.

To make these emissions figures worse, the Albanese Government is seeking to expand coal and gas past 2050 as part of their Future Gas Strategy and Future Made in Australia plans. 

Leader of the Australian Greens, Adam Bandt MP:

“This emissions data spells disaster,” Mr Bandt said.

“Pollution is up since Labor came to office, and Labor’s commitment to coal and gas will see Australia blow any chance of meeting safe climate targets. 

“At this rate, Labor won’t even meet its own unscientific climate targets, let alone what is needed to tackle the climate crisis. 

“Gas is as dirty as coal. Climate pollution from gas is rising, but instead of cutting it, Labor is opening new coal and gas mines to run beyond 2050.”

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